The one-stop source for the land data you need  
Farmland Sales
Timberland Sales
Land Values
Soils Data
Estimated Land Values - Attributes
Pick one or more years for which you'd like data. Hold CTRL key (PCs) or OPTION key (Macs) to select more than one.

Recent Years

Prior Years

Pick the type of land for which you want us to calculate the total acreage, total value, and average estimated value. Choose one only. The per-acre value will be total value divided by total acres, for each level of aggregation you select in the section below. For example, per-acre tillable land value will be total tillable land value divided by tillable acres. This number is not what you'll find on the Land Value section of MLE Map. There, instead, you will find the simple, unweighted mean of the underlying per-acre values.

Both market and taxable values are shown for Green Acres properties in all counties and for enrolled Agricultural Preserve properties in the seven Twin Cities Metropolitan Area counties. Only taxable values are reported for nonmetropolitan counties; in these, Agricultural Preserve properties are taxed at full market value. I have adjusted the official farmland estimates to include the market value of Green Acres parcels, if any, in each jurisdiction. For details, click here.

Class 2a Agricultural Class 2b Rural Class 2a Tillable
Class 2b Timber Class 2c Timber Green Acres market value  
Class 2a Ag Preserves Class 2b Ag Preserves Green Acres taxable value

OR pick the variable you'd like to see for all six land types. Choose one only. The per-acre value will be the average of the city/township per-acre values that make up the aggregation you select below.
Total Acres Total Estimated Value Estimated Value per Acre

Tell us how you want your data summarized. Choose one only. Summary statistics are calculated only at the county level and above.

township/city in county
whole county
whole area you selected